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Principal Scientist and leader of the Material Technological Platform.

Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence (GCCE).

The University of York.


Over 140 publications

More than 5100 total citations

h-index is 35

Over 10 PhD students and over 20 MSc students

Research Fundings Obtained
Lecturing Activity
Administrative Activity



Material Chemistry

1984 - 1987

PhD Chemistry

Department of Physical Chemistry

Taras Shevchenko State University of Ukraine, Kiev

Carbonyl clusters compounds as catalysts of the homogeneous red-ox reaction

Microwave Chemistry


Biomass and bio-waste processing

Physical Chemistry


1982 - 1984

MSc Chemistry

Department of Physical Chemistry

Taras Shevchenko State University of Ukraine, Kiev

Influence of active centre structure of Fe-Co catalysts on its catalytic activity in the ammonia production reaction


Fundamentals: surface chemistry, and its applications to heterogeneous catalysis and thin film protection

1978 - 1982

BSc Chemistry

Department of Physical Chemistry

Taras Shevchenko State University of Ukraine, Kiev


Fundamentals: Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Statistic and Philosophy of Science


Research Fundings Obtained


Dr. Budarin has been involved in a number of projects in the fields of material science and microwave chemistry as a contract researcher: INTAS Grant, EPSRC, Carbon Trust Grant, Proof of Concept award, SUNLIBB. In addition, seven research grants, with a total value of £2.5M, have been based directly on two innovative research areas (mesoporous carbonaceous materials derived from polysaccharides and low temperature microwave activation of biomass) which Dr. Budarin has developed and has been the Lead Scientist for more than seven years: Alterego (Alternative Energy Forms for Green Chemistry), EPSRC (Chemicals from Sustainable Feedstocks), Carbon Trust (Low Temperature Microwave-mediated Pyrolysis of Biomass), ERDF (Microwave Pyrolysis Demonstrator) , SUNLIBB (Sustainable Liquid Biofuels from Biomass Biorefining), Proof of concept Award (Yorkshire Forward) and EPSRC follow up (Commercial Development of Starbon Technologies for Catalysis).

Dr. Budarin was honored to be invited to the interviewed teams for the EPSRC Renewable feedstocks call (Swindon, 16/10/12) and Carbon Trust Carbon Trust Fund: Grant for Research and Development Proposal (London, 14/08/08) and also to the tenderers meeting (FERA, York, 10/12/10).


Research Funding obtained:

  1. White Rose University Consortium; Collaboration Fund: Energy and fuels from thermal chemical conversion of biomass; PI: Dr. Wu, C. (University of Leeds); Co-investigators: Dr. Sharifi,V. (University of Sheffield), Dr. Budarin V. (University of York), 2013; £15,000.

  2. SPARK awards: Development of a novel seaweed derived cytokinin-based plant growth promoter, PI: Dr. Mark Gronnow, 2013; £5,000.

  3. EPSRC: Renewable Chemicals from Sustainable Feedstocks via High-Throughput Methods; PI: Prof Clark, J. H.; Co-investigator: Dr. Budarin, V. L., 2013-2017; £817,686.

  4. Industrial fund; Circa Group: Applications for levoglucosenone; PI: Professor Clark, J.H., 2013;  £27,000

  5. 7th Framework Programme;  ALTEREGO (Alternative Energy Forms for Green Chemistry); PI: Dr. Macquarrie, D., 2012-2014; £524,000.

  6. CSIC i-LINK+-0636: Nanocomposite Enhancement Of Naturally Derived Mesoporous Carbons; PI: Dr. Ellis, G. (Spain),  International Collaboration with the ICTP (Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros), Madrid, Spain, 2013 – 2014; €29,100

  7. 7th Framework Programme; SUNLIBB (Sustainable Liquid Biofuels from Biomass Biorefining): Second Generation Biofuels – EU Brazil Coordinated Call; PI: Simon Mcqueen Mason (Department of Biology, CNAP), 2010-2013; £263,996.

  8. EPSRC; Follow on Fund Proposal: Commercial Development of Starbon Technologies for Catalysis; PI: Professor Clark, J.H.; Co-investigator: Dr. MacQuarrie, D., 2010-2011; £178,707.

  9. METRC (Molecular Engineering Translation Research Centre) Innovation Awards: Char by Microwave-mediated Pyrolysis, PI: Professor Clark, J.H., 2009-2010; £47,926.

  10. ERDF (European Regional Development Fund): Biorefinery Microwave Demonstrator, as a part of £20M Yorkshire Forward and Science City York contract, PI: Professor Clark, J.H., 2009-2012; £1,000,000.

  11. DEFRA-link project LK0850: Inorganic Polymer Bio-composites. PI: Professor Clark, J.H., 2008-2013; £599,000.

  12. Yorkshire Forward; Proof of Concept award: Develop processes for the conversion of biomass into fuels and chemicals; PI: Professor Clark, J.H., 2008; £70,000.

  13. Carbon Trust Fund; Grant for Research and Development Proposal: Low Temperature Microwave-mediated Pyrolysis of Biomass for the Production of Transport Fuel Feedstocks. PI: Professor Clark, J.H., 2009-2011; £499,634.

  14. Yorkshire forward Fund; White rose scheme Proposal: Hydrothermal microwave pyrolysis of microalgae. PI: Dr. Ross, A., 2009; £15,000.

  15. Yorkshire Enterprise Fellowship grant: Accumulation of commercial technical data on oil recovery from oil-seeds and conversion of biomass to solid bio-fuel by exploiting a novel process, PI: Budarin, V., 2008; £10,000.

  16. EPSRC Gr/R82807/01; PI: Prof Clark, J. H., 2002-2004; £129,031,

  17. INTAS Grant; European Commission: Biomimetic Catalysts; PI: Prof Clark, J. H., 2001-2004; £9,342.

Lecturing Activity


 Dr. Budarin has been lecturing on a fundamental course of Physical Chemistry over 10 years. 


Moreover, he was an invited lecturer on some of the events:

  1. Microwave assisted hydrothermal treatment of biomass”. White Rose UK-China Workshop on Energy. Beijing- Nanjing, China. 16-22 March 2013. As a part of invited White Rose Universities mission to China aimed at developing collaborative projects with Chinese universities in the field of bio energy. Follow up meetings are being arranged for autumn 2013.

  2.  “Potential Routes to Green Chemicals and Materials using application of supercritical fluid extraction, catalytic pyrolysis and microwave activated processes”, Borregaard, 5th R&D conference, Norway. 8 May 2012.

  3.  “Microwave pyrolysis of biomass”, Organic Chemistry Department, The University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain. 21 June 2011.

  4.  “STARBON technology (starch-based heterogeneous catalysts for aqueous conditions”, VTT Technical Research Centre, Helsinki, Finland. 14 March 2011.

  5. “Microwave use and the recovery of chemicals from cocoa pods”, Nestle/University of York meeting, The University of York, York, UK. 14 October 2011

  6. “Chemistry of the polysaccharide”, CARBOSORB workshop: Novel adsorbents and filtration devices for water and effluent remediation, Brighton, UK. 12-13 April 2010.

Adminstrative Activity


  1. As Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence Principal Scientist Dr. Budarin is responsible directly for advising and supporting the Director of the Center in the running of all research within the GCCE. He leads on many of the most important research projects and has a leading role in major publications. He actively participates in all the research within the Green Chemistry Center (2011- present).

  2. A leader of Material Technology Platform of GCCE , a dynamic team responsible for the development of novel solutions on multi-functional materials production: conductors, catalysts, sorbents. He is running a semi-scale production of Starbon, a novel mesoporous material, following to the agreement with Sigma-Aldrich. (2018 - present)

  3.  A leader of Microwave Technology Platform of GCCE, a dynamic team which develops technical solutions for applications that utilise microwave technologies ranging from laboratory scale reactors to the semi-scale facility at the BDC.  The group assists in delivering current MW projects and writing new grant proposals.  MW TP also develops opportunities for informal dissemination of knowledge and good teaching microwave experimental techniques practice amongst GCCE members, visitors, external research collaborators and industry. (2009-2018)

  4. Line Management responsibility: From Q4 2013, Dr. Budarin will have line management responsibility for a technician on the current EPRSC (Renewable Chemicals from Sustainable Feedstocks via High-Throughput Methods) grant, and supervisory responsibility for a PDRA on the same project.

  5. Member of Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence (GCCE) Board meeting (regular meetings to discuss current research project/teaching activities and strategic planning for future group activities) (2007 - present).

  6. Member of Green Chemistry Advisory Group (2011 - present).

  7. Shareholder, scientific advisor and inventor of Starbon Technology Ltd. Member of Starbon Technology Ltd Operations Group (2012 - present).

  8. Academic member of NORSC (Northern Sustainable Chemistry Initiative) (2010 - present).

  9. Member of the Kiev State University Academic Senate (2000 - 2002).

  10. Member of the Chemistry Department Academic Senate, Kiev State University (1991 - 2002).

  11. Chairman of Ukrainian student research projects competition panel in the field of chemistry (1991 - 1998).

The University of York

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